U.S. Supreme Court

I would like to be on the United Supreme Court because they are the highest federal court of the United States. My only problem I have is that there can only be 9 members. I would also like to be on the United States Supreme Court so I can enforce laws.

American Revolutionary War Generals

There were many American Revolutionary War Generals such as Benedict Arnold who traded to the British, Nathanel Greene,who started out as a private(lowest rank possible and not long after he was a General and the one you probably know the most is George Washington, who was the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. On the British the King was the captain General of all Naval, and Military.

Who Created The American Flag

I think Betsy Ross created the American Flag because the story said that Betsy Ross had never made a flag before maybe it will be more interesting. It said that that Betsy would sew the flag and it said that she made all of these changes after Robert drew it square and different so that’s why I think that Betsy Ross made the first American Flag.

Roger Sherman

He did sign the United States Declaration of Independence

He signed all four Great American papers

He was an American Lawyer

Survived the war

Roger Sherman

A strong man

He was a Founding Father

Roger Sherman was originally opposed to slavery

He was the most influential person in the Constitutional Conventionsherman

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor Memorial of the soldiers who died

Edwin Hill was a Pearl Harbor Hero

Arizona, Oklahoma, California, West Virginia, Nevada, Pennsylvania , Tennessee, and Mary land all that day

Roosevelt called it The Day Of Infonie

Lost 92 soldiers in the Navy that day


Honolulu ship was barely damaged that day

At 7:53, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor

Ralaight ship was hevilly dameged in Pearl Harbor

Battle took place in Oahu Hawaii

On Dec. 7, 1941 the Japs. attacked

Robert .R Scott was a hero in Pearl Harborp h

Colonial Life

Today has been a very long day. It’s very tiring melting silver all day long. And weighing silver. First I have to pour melted silver into a cast to make it’s shape. Next I have to shape them with a hammer and tongs. Last I have to to make a symbol. I sometimes engrave the costumers name on the silver. I have really skilled hands as well I am very patient and very careful with what I do. My ital is Paul Revere who said the life saving words (The British are coming) was a world class a world class silverman